This Week on Nerd Girl Industries Presents Issue #2: The Video Series

Hey Reader!

Welcome to another week at NGI. Here is what's happening:

Video Series

I had hoped to kick off the video series this week but it may be some time before launch. If you follow me across my personal socials, you know that Mr. Lisa was in the hospital for a week and we've now started on his follow up care. Because of this, we're not heading home until end of September. We're only going to be in Michigan for at least 10 days at the beginning of October so maybe I'll start the video series then? All my equipment is in Michigan and while I can make do here in Kentucky, I'd rather get the videos to look less gonzo and more polished. I'll be dropping the videos on the newsletter every week so no need to go hunt down NGI's socials.

NGI Classes and Products

A writer group I'm in contacted me about teaching a class on social media for the members in July 2025. It'll be on Zoom and run about two hours long. When I told Mr. Lisa about this, he said:

  • Why don't you reach out to other writer's groups to see if you can teach the class for them
  • Sell the class on Udemy
  • Sell the class on my website
  • Sell your services on Fiverr

Honestly, I had not thought about selling the class at Udemy, off NGI's website, or selling my services via Fiverr. I have NO IDEA why I'm so hesitant to sell products to make passive income. I got sucked into a lot of vendors over the years promising this that and then some myself and found it was all high pressure selling tactics that made me wholly uncomfortable. I also struggle with putting a value on my worth as far as products go. I don't want to over charge but I don't want to undercharge. I've got a lot of expertise that is worth something. Darn late stage capitalism.

I created an instructor account on Udemy and started poking around to their offerings on social media. There are quite a few classes on social media but many of them were not current, they only covered one specific platform, made promises they can't keep, or were super expensive. Yet, despite my reservations on what was available, people are buying those classes.

My audience is writers, artists, freelancers, non-profits, and small business. There is a lot of information out in the world on social media for these audiences but it's convoluted and confusing. As I reserch, I'm organizing my information in logical (to me) order. I'm also creating a list of free or cheap tools to get the job done because these are the same tools that I use because I have no money.

A friend who does similar to what I do suggested I start selling my services on Fiverr. Yes, there is a lot of competition but a lot of the top selling sellers have terrible presentations so I think I have a chance on making some money that way.

Like I said, I'm super into having problems calculating my worth. I researched sellers on Fiverr and again, prices were high for what they were offering and also again, people are buying. I've started laying out my own package prices and if they work on Fiverr, I'll advertise them off my website as well.

Meme of the Week

Have a good week!

Lisa and Thursday

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Nerd Girl Industries

I'm a Jane of all trades interested in content creation, social media, and knowledge management. I'm into Jane Austen, Guinness, and Doctor Who.

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