This Week on Nerd Girl Industries Presents: About Dang Time

About damn time!

Hey Reader!

You've been signed up for ages and have yet to receive an email from me. Boo to that I say!

Things have been a bit crazy over here at NGI headquarters. Teaching yourself to run a business when there are a zillion opinions on how to do so is exhausting. I've made a lot of mistakes but also made some grounds.

First up, I completely revamped! I got advice from a web developer on what my potential clients (and others) want to see when they get to my site. My seed money is minuscule so I taught myself a Wordpress development kit and voila! There is a working about page as well as services. The resources page is empty for now but I plan on creating free content for potential and current clients. Information needs to be free-ish!

Secondly, it's difficult to sell yourself as someone constantly online when your business socials don't have jack or squat. Several people have suggested I document the day to day realities of starting a business and honestly, not only is that a great idea but I wish I would have done it long ago.

There is no time like the present! I'm developing a TikTok series on joys and perils of starting a business. Topics will include:

  • Getting the idea
  • Semi-finalizing what you are selling (this is a moving target)
  • Pricing
  • Web presence


These videos will be fun and hopefully informational. I don't have any idea to sell you something so there is that!

I've got a list of at least 18 topics to chit chat about. I'm going to make the videos bite sized (10 minutes or less) and post them across NGI's Facebook, IG, TT. and LinkedIn. If you're not following NGI on the socials, please do!

The newsletter and videos will drop on Thursday (to celebrate our mascot, Thursday the Pug). Here is what to expect:

  • Weekly photo of Thursday
  • Brief intro to that weeks' video and where to find it
  • Short essay (250 - 300 words or less) on a topic of the moment
  • Memes or gifs perhaps? We all need a bit of laughter in our lives
  • Reviews or tutorials
  • FAQs on something or another

Look, I've got a list of nearly two dozen topics I can use every week. PLEASE BE ASSURED I WILL NOT TOUCH UPON ALL THOSE TOPICS! The only thing guaranteed is the Thursday photo and a meme/gif.

Anyway, that's it from me for now. Hit reply if you want to say hello back!

Love from,

Lisa and Thursday

Have questions? Hit reply to this email and we'll help out!

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Nerd Girl Industries

I'm a Jane of all trades interested in content creation, social media, and knowledge management. I'm into Jane Austen, Guinness, and Doctor Who.

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